A free to use tool for downloading any book or publication on YUMPU
Yumpu - offers a digital platform for publishing your magazines, brochures or catalogs. Communicate your message and grab the attention of new readers. It’s time to harness the power of digital publishing.
YUMPU DOWNLOADER is free of charge for you. Enjoy and follow us on social networks for future news.
You can use YUMPU DOWNLOADER in variety of devices including your tablet or smartphone.
Paste multiple file links and get generated download links for all of them.
Millions discover their favorite reads on yumpu every month. Give your content the digital home it deserves. Get it to any device in seconds. Bookmark this site, if you often safe from yumpu. We hope you have enjoyed using YUMPU Downloader! We are a totally FREE project without profit.
YUMPU DOWNLOADER allows you to download, in PDF format, any publication hosted on the Yumpu website (even those that do not have a download link on the website).
Go to yumpu.com - select the file (url)
Copy the entire url of file, select download YUMPU to pdf.
Paste it in search field of this website and press enter! No need to install anything, no registration required.
A free online tool for downloading any public Yumpu document as images or optimized PDF
To download magazine from yumpu.com when the download option has been disabled. in practice the script doesn't actually download the pdf, but rather download the images of the pages of the flash object and then combines those into a pdf.
The Yumpu WordPress Plugin enables you to upload any PDF you want to your website and then converts it into an online readable ePaper.
Got a question? We've got answers.
YUMPU Downloader does not require installation and works perfectly right in the browser on any computer, smartphone or tablet. Here's how to use it. Find and open the desired page on YUMPU. Copy the link to it from the address bar. Go to the https://yumpu.foundtt.com and paste the link in the field and click download.
Downloading Content From YUMPU to PDF:
NOTE: As the content is already downloaded, you can read it even if you are not connected to the network (Offline content).
To download a PDF with YUMPU free guide:
You can download pictures through our website. First, open YUMPU and copy the link to the post with the desired image. Then paste it into the field and click on the button “Download all”. If there are several pictures on the page, the service will display all the photos, and you can save the ones you need.
If the user whose magazine you try to download / print has activated the respective function, you will find it in the lower left corner of the magazine (download) or in the status bar on top in fullscreen view (print) . If the User does not allow the download / print of his magazines you would have to get in contact with the author.
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